Create Catalogs
How to Create Catalogs using DocDigitizer WorldObjects
This page provides information on how to create Catalogs.
DocDigitizer WorldObjects lets you choose what information you want to work with, then the system retrieves the data from the appropriate systems without you knowing what the source systems are.
A Catalog is the "data domain" of a particular object, where you can add or associate a list of values such as "list of countries."
As mentioned, DocDigitizer WorldObjects offers varying ways to define Catalogs, one of which is called "Local Catalogs."
Rules for Local Catalogs
The "Local Catalog" Catalog is structured like a CSV, where:
- The first row is the Header, which must have as many columns as the number of object properties and their names
- Column separator character can be either:
- | (pipe)
- , (comma)
- The escape character is "" (double quote)
The same rules that you use when creating CSV apply here.
Local Catalogs—"in code"
The first step is to identify an Object that has reference data, like "Countries", "Gender", or "Zip Codes."
To demonstrate the creation of a Catalog we will use the object "Gender" created in the previous step (Gender).
Requirements of a Catalog
Let’s assume that we needed to have a “Gender” entity, which will have the list of values of the different types of Gender:
- M - Male
- F - Female
- X - Other
Create Catalog Values
Open your VS Code and go to your workspace.
Select object "Gender."
Add the following data structure:
Code | Description
Male | Male
Female | Female
Other | Other
End Catalog
In the Developer Guide and Tutorials, you will find more information about Catalogs and how to use them.
The next step is how to create the build.
Updated 9 days ago