Features offer in DocDigitizer WorldObjects
Catalogs in DocDigitizer WorldObjects
DocDigitizer WorldObjects you can choose what information you want to work with, then let the system retrieve the data from the appropriate systems without you knowing what the source systems are.
DocDigitizer WorldObjects provide functionalities where you can associate the "data domain" related to each object, this is, associate list of values like "list of countries", which we refer as Catalogs
This Catalogs can be "managed":
- Local Catalogs managed "client-side", where the data can be stored in “in code" (DLL Resource).
- Remote Catalogs managed "server-side", access by an API, where the data can be store in Database or "DLL Resource".
Example of "Local Catalog"&“in code"
Code | Description
EUR | "Euro"
USD | "United States dollar"
GBP | "British pound"
JPN | "Japanese yen"
End Catalog
You can also use Catalogs (and is related semantic objects) shipped by with DocDigitizer WorldObjects.
Validators in DocDigitizer WorldObjects
Validators give the ability to create and define syntactic and semantic validation rules
This means the ability to validate if an identifier is valid.
For instance, ability to validate if fiscal number is valid in a certain country, our zip code.
The validator takes into account which country the zip code relates to. With this we save developers from coding by themselves the validation of zip code and maintenance of the information (Catalog) from all countries.
You can use Validators for instance to check mandatory properties (fields):
Property Name type Text description "This is the Name"
return _validate.NotEmpty(_value);
End Validation
The DocDigitizer offer some Validators but you can extend them, creating your own Validators.
Formatters in DocDigitizer WorldObjects
Formatters give the ability to create and define typical patterns of data transformations.
For instance formatting the values IBAN to be return by an API or the will be show webpage.
Property BirthDate type Date description "This is the Birth Date"
if (!_value) return null;
const format = !_arguments || _arguments.length === 0 ? 'yyyy-MM-dd' : _arguments[0];
const culture = _arguments && _arguments.length > 1 ? _arguments[1].Code : null;
return _utilities.FormatDateTime(_value, format, culture);
End Format
Like the previous cases mentions, DocDigitizer offer some Formatters but you can extend them, creating your own Formatters.
Expressions in DocDigitizer WorldObjects
Expressions is more generic that the two previous features (Validators & Formatters) and give more flexibility how to use them and the objectives.
For instance returning last name (surname) of the full name.
Property LastName type Text description "This is the Last Name"
const names = !_this.Name ? [] : _this.Name.split(/\b\s+/);
return names.length > 0 ? names[names.length - 1] : null;
End Expression
Updated 9 days ago