Docdigitizer's available subscriptions don't include any setup or entry costs. They are based on a pay-per-use model where you have only associated a monthly payment associated depending on the plan you chose. Every 30 days there is a subscription payment transaction and a new reset on the consumption for the next 30 days.

  • Example: If you buy a subscription for up to 1000 documents on the 20th of July, for $164/month, your 30 days start counting on that specific day and renew automatically on the 19th of August. During those 30 days, you have available a package of 1000 documents. On the 19th of August is expected for you to receive a new payment transaction of $164/month.

You can check here the available plans and prices.

Available payment methods

Currently, we only support payments via Credit Card. We recently deprecated payment via direct debit.


Invoices are sent automatically through the DocDigitizer account app, Invoice Express, for the email shared on the onboarding form that you a client receives when purchasing a new subscription.

Whenever you have a due invoice, an automatic email is sent to the customer with the link that gives you access to your updated account that merges all the paid invoices, credit notes, and due invoices. If you are having trouble getting access to your link account, drop us a request on our support portal.


  • Please consider that the lack of payment may result in the automatic cancellation of your DocDigitizer license, and that, depending on your contract, re-activation might require a reactivation fee.

"A La Card" credits

In most DocDigitizer subscriptions, all additional documents consumed above what was contracted will be charged as "a la card credits" every 30 days. "A la card" credits at the rate of $1,2/document.

  • Example: You bought a subscription for up to 1000 documents on the 20th of July. This means that your subscription will be renewed on the 19th of August. If on the 18th of August your consumption was 1050 documents, you will automatically receive an invoice with “a la card” credits of a total of $60 (50 documents at a price per $1,2).

In this situation, our advice is for you to analyze if it makes sense for an upgrade. You should have into consideration that you have up to 5 days until the end of the subscription period to end to notify the team and make any changes that you wish.

Whenever you need clarifications on some kind of “a la card” credits consumption, drop us a ticket on our support portal asking for us to share your consumption statement regarding the period that you have doubts about.

Upgrade, downgrade, and subscriptions cancellation

You can require an upgrade, downgrade, or subscription cancellation using our support portal here. You should select License Request on the issue classification and you will get back a response as soon as possible.


  • If you have a monthly subscription you have up to 5 days until the end of the subscription period to end to notify the team and make any changes that you wish. If you have another type of permanency time, you have up to 1 month before ending the subscription to inform us.
  • If you want to move forward with canceling a subscription, please also notice that DocDigitizer does not perform any refund on subscriptions with permanency periods above 1 month because it usually has a discount associate. This means that you must wait until the end of the contract.

License unavailability due to lack of payment

The lack of payment may result in the automatic cancellation of your DocDigitizer license, and, depending on your contract, re-activation might require a reactivation fee. Make sure that all invoices are on time, to make sure that the license does not become temporarily unavailable.

If your license is not working due to the lack of payment, you only need to pay the overdue invoices and the license will be automatically reopened once the payment enters on DocDigitizer bank account.


  • Please notice that the bank transfer method may take up to 2 business days to enter on DocDigitizer systems. If you have urgency on reopening your license, we advise you to use other payment methods such as credit card or reference entity payment.

Billing Support

If you need any billing support, just drop us a request on our support portal here. You should select License Request on the issue classification and you will get back a response. Our billing team will make sure that your requests are taken care of as soon as possible.