Document Classification List
We have the following classifications of documents by default.
Classification | Description | API document-class V1 |
ATM Card | Card from a Banking Institution/Creditor, which may contain the bank or creditor logo, the card number, expiration date, name of the card issuing entity, name of the main entity of the card. | bank-card |
ATM Ticket | Document issued by ATM in receipt format. We review MB Receipts such as: Iban Receipt, Transfer Receipt. | atm-receipt |
ATM Card and Ticket | Both documents ATM Card or bank card and/or ATM ticket/receipt. | bank-card-atm-receipt |
Bank Book | Bankbook issued by a Banking Institution | bank-book |
Bank Statement | Document issued by a bank/creditor, either an account information document or a formal/informal correspondence. If the document issued is an invoice, it will be reviewed as an invoice. | bank-statement |
Central Credit Register | Record managed by Central Banks regarding credit granted | central-credit-register |
Citizen Card - Back | Back of the Identification Card | cc-tras |
Citizen Card - Front | Front of the Identification Card, where at the top contains the title of the document: Citizen Card. On the front, it contains the photograph of the subject | cc-frente |
Citizen Card Renovation | Document issued by the Registry and Notary Office with the designation of Proof of Renewal | citizen-card-renovation |
Citizen Id Card | Citizen Identification Card | citizen-id-card |
Citizen Id Card Virtual | This document, at the top, is called the 'Identification Card', but in paper format | citizen-id-card-virtual |
Contract | Classification used for credit contracts to extract Client name, fiscal number, citizen identification number | contract |
Declaration of Contribution Status AT | Certificate issued by the Tax and Customs Authority, indicating the tax status of the taxpayer in question | declaracao_situacao_contributiva_at |
Declaration of Contribution Status SS | Certificate issued by Social Security, indicating the contributory status by the referring entity, before Social Security | declaracao_situacao_contributiva_ss |
Driving License EU | Document where at the top it is indicated as: Driver's License | driving-license-eu |
Driving License EU - Back | On the back, it contains the various categories of vehicles and which ones the subject is fit for. | driving-license-eu-back |
Driving License EU - Front | Document where at the top it is indicated as: Driver's License, containing for example the subject's photograph, subject's name | driving-license-eu-front |
Financial Document | We consider a financial document any typical document exchanged in an Accounts Payable or Accounting process | financial-document |
Fiscal Residence Certificate | Certificate issued by the Tax and Customs Authority, where in this document the tax domicile of the subject in question is presented in the document | fiscal_residence_certificate |
Green Receipt | Document with the logo of the Tax and Customs Authority at the top, containing characteristic labels such as: Data of the transferor and goods/service provider, data of the purchaser of goods or services and data on the transmission of goods or provision of services | recibo-verde |
Invoice (deprecated class, see Financial Document instead) | Tax document, usually presents the invoice designation, which normally contains data of issuer, receiver and document value for payment purposes | invoice |
IRS Notice Settlement | IRS Notice Settlement related to taxes | irs-notice-settlement |
Model 3 IRS | Document from the Ministry of Finance, Declaration Model 3 IRS | irs3 |
National Citizen Identity Card | National Citizen's Identity Card (Only Portuguese documents verified to date) | national-id-card |
Passport | Personal document, in bulletin format, and official identification, where it is identified as a Passport | passport |
PaySlip | In this document, as a rule, it contains the designation of a pay slip or similar, where it is characteristic for having data on the company, employee, salaries, discounts and total amount to be received by the employee. | pay-slip |
Proof of Employment | Document issued by the employer of the subject in question. In this document, the company declares the professional situation of the subject, whether the position, date of antiquity and type of contract, among others. | proof-of-employment |
Proof of Retirement | Document issued by the National Pension Center (declaration), which contains the monthly pension amount (Portuguese documents only verified to date) | retirement-proof |
Residence Permit | Residence permit, in card or fold-out format, containing the name, nationality, type of residence permit | residence-permit |
Sepa Mandate | Document where at the top it indicates as designation: Sepa Direct Debit Authorization | sepa-mandate |
Tax Id Card | Card containing the subject's name and tax identification number | tax-id-card |
Last revision at 07-Dec-2022 |
Updated 12 days ago