Financial Document

Document classification

Group of fieldsField name (EN)DescriptionStandard FormatField API name
HeadersDocument TypeKind of documentEnum: Invoice | Credit Note | Debit Note | Receipt | Purchase Order | Otherfinancial-document:document_type
Document IdentifierIt's an unique code that identifies the documentcustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:document_identifier
P.O.Purchase order identification numbercustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:order_number value
Issue DateDocument date of issueDate (YYYY-MM-DD)financial-document:issue_date
Due DateInvoice payment due dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)financial-document:due_date
Supplier Tax NumberTax identification number of the suppliercustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:supplier_tax_number
Supplier NameName of the supplierString (uppercase)financial-document:supplier_name
Recipient Tax NumberTax identification number of the customercustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:recipient_tax_number
Recipient NameName of the customerString (uppercase)financial-document:recipient_name
CurrencyCurrency of the documentString with ISO 4217 alphabetic codefinancial-document:currency
Line itemsItem CodeProduct referencecustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:line_items item_code
DescriptionLine item descriptionString (uppercase)financial-document:line_items item_description
QuantityLine item quantityDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_quantity
UnitUnit of measure of the itemString (kg, container, piece, gallon, …)financial-document:line_items item_unit
Tax RateOne of the tax rates in the tax breakdownDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_rate
Item TaxItem Tax amountDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_tax
Unit PriceUnit price without taxDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_base_amount
Unit Price + TaxUnit price with taxDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_amount
Amount BaseLine Total amount without taxDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_base_total_amount_base
Amount TotalLine Total amount witht taxDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:line_items item_amount_total
P.O.Purchase order identification numbercustom code (string of letters/numbers)financial-document:line_items item_order_number
AmountsBase TotalBase amount for tax calculationDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_base_total
Tax BreakdownTax BaseSum of tax bases for items with the same tax rateDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:tax_breakdown tax_base
Tax RateOne of the tax rates in the tax breakdownDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:tax_breakdown tax_rate
Tax AmountTax amountDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:tax_breakdown tax_amount
Tax CodeTax codeStringfinancial-document:tax_breakdown tax_code
Tax TotalTotal Amount including tax for all items with same tax rateDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:tax_breakdown tax_total
AmountsTax TotalTotal tax amountDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_tax_total
Amount RoundingRemainder after rounding up total amountDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_rounding
Total AmountSubtotal of all items, including taxDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_total
Amount PaidAmount that has already been paidDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_paid
Amount DueFinal amount to be paid, including tax to be paid after deducting all discounts and advancesDecimal number (dot decimal separator)financial-document:amount_due
Last revision at 14-Mai-2022